Written By: sirmilkman
October 29, 2024
How To Make A Post

File Structure

Making A Post

Posts are contained in the ‘_posts’ folder and new posts should be created there. When creating a post the file must be named as follows: ‘yyyy-mm-dd-postname.markdown’ If you want it to be easier, just copy ‘2024-10-29-template.markdown’ into the ‘_posts’ folder from the ‘_secret’ folder.

Post Info Config

At the top of ‘2024-10-29-template.markdown’ are the post info parameters. They function as follows:

  • layout: This should always be ‘posts’ otherwise the page won’t display properly.
  • title: The title of the post displayed on the ‘posts’ dropdown menu and the top of the post.
  • postdate: The date the post was published. For consistancy’s sake formatting should be Month DD, YYYY
  • tags: Page tags help organize it around the site. Author tags are: Morgan - mkmn, Alex - bmbx, Preston - flra
  • author: The author credit displayed on the page. It can be any text
  • permalink: The link to the blog page. To prevent permalinks getting confused please make the permalink the article title in all lowercase seperated-by-hyphens.

Adding Images

Images are contained in the ‘assets/posts’ folder When you create a blog that you want to have images in please create a new folder titled the same as the permalink. Your images go in there. Image titles should be generally simple just so its easy to link to them. A guide on adding images is later on.


Pages are formatted with markdown. If you know how discord text formatting works, it’s the same. There are a few custom changes tho.

  • Create a single line break by adding <br> after the line.

  • Italicize text by surrounding it in asterisks *Like This*
  • Bold text by surrounding it in double asterisks **Like This**

  • Create headers by surrounding them in hashtags #Like This#
  • Single hashtags are the largest header
  • Double hashtags is the medium header
  • Triple hashtags are the smallest header

  • Create image subtext by surrounding it in quad hashtags ####Like This####
  • Create spoiler text by surrounding it in quint hashtags #####Like This#####

  • Add a link: [Link Text in square brackets](Link URL in parens)

If you ever want to use a symbol that is trying to do markdown stuff prefix it with \ and it will display normally.

Adding Images

Since markdown doesn’t have native image support, you’re gonna have to learn a lil bit of html (sorry)
Just copy this code and change the defualt filepath to match the image you want. Be sure to include the <br> in the copy if you want it to display correctly

<br><img src=”/assets/posts/postImgFolder/imgname.png”><br>